Thursday, October 16, 2008



Welcome to my blog thing. It was suggested to me that I start a blog to keep a record of my trip. It's also an easy way to let everyone know what I'm doing and save me the trouble of e-mailing people (don't worry friends and family, I'll e-mail you anyway...).

So, to any random people who come across this, I'll give a bit of a background story. My name is Ayesha. I live in the ACT. In about 2 days, I will be going to Morocco for 3 months, to visit my Dad who I haven't seen in 6 years. Exciting, no? I will be leaving this Sunday. It is currently 7:44 am Friday morning and I still haven't started packing or done anything in preparation. I'm thinking about starting tonight... if I'm bothered. I'll probably do a post a week, just to let everyone know what I'm doing and maybe show a bit of what I learn in Morocco. About the customs, the culture and you know, that kind of stuff.

If I don't sound that enthusiastic, don't worry, I am. I'm just kinda tired at the moment. Normally I'd be all "YEEAAAAAH! I'M GOING TO MOROCCO! I GET OUT OF A TERM OF SCHOOOL!!!". But I woke up at 6 this morning and I'm not really up to it. Plus I'm hell nervous. I'm going on this trip all by myself, and I have this awful premonition I'm going to get lost at the airport. And because of that, I've actually started cleaning the house. I cleaned all the windows and did vacuuming yesterday o.O

Well then... bye byes for now. Like I said, I'll do posts and put up photos and stuff about once a week. You can look forward to lots of long and boring posts about stuff I do. Lucky you ;)

1 comment:

K Clarke said...

Don't worry, you won't get lost at the airport, just follow the signs and ask for help from security! Have fun in Morocco! 1 day left :o

